Jewelry cleaner review: Gemoro

I am often skeptical of at home jewelry cleaners, but after a recent experience with a product called Gemoro that I bought on SLC, I had to post and review. I am hitting myself for not taking a before picture so you can see the contrast. I plan on doing another post soon when my jewelry needs cleaning again. I have ought so many different brands that you can get at any jewelry counter. They still didn’t get out stubborn stains in my jewelry. I even bought one that was so harsh it damaged my jewelry. Now, to be fair, they do warn you that you shouldn’t leave it in for more than a minute, but I honestly forgot about them and discovered them a day or two later. *Feel free to laugh* I am sure we have all been there though! I’ve also used other cleaners where I could leave them in and forget about them, and nothing happened–not even cleaning of the stone. So, I have had my share of negative experiences and I refuse to go to jeweler to get my jewelry cleaned. That’s just too expensive! I have too many pieces and it adds up in time.

A few weeks ago, a clearance was on a certain home shopping channel we all have bought plenty from. They were selling this Gemoro set: Jewelry cleaner in a tub with a basket and brush, Sparkle Wand, which is a jewelry cleaner on the go which has a built in brush, and the anti tarnish cloth. The wand kind of reminds me of lipgloss twist pens which makes it easy to use and carry around.

The cleaner claims to be safe on all gems including pearls…Hmm..naturally I needed to test this out.

So, I first tried it on a goshenite ring that I bought several years ago. It got so cloudy, and no matter what I used, it never sparkled. It stayed in perpetual foggy state. This is where I wish I had the before picture. Try to use your imagination and picture a gosehnite so clogged and foggy that it didn’t even sparkle anymore. I first used the sparkle wand….

WOAH…THAT is what a goshenite is supposed to look like?! The sad thing is, it never sparkled that much when I bought it! It was also very tarnished, almost looking like an antique, so I used the tarnish cloth, which worked immediately. The silver sparkle returned along with my happiness! I instantly became a believer and started pulling out the pieces that I was about to even throw out because I was so frustrated with the state of them.

Enter the lost cause, my Paraiba Apatite ring. When I first got this years ago, it sparkled like the way the ocean does on a bright and sunny day. Apatites are notorious for clouding up in time due to their chemical composition, which is why they aren’t always suitable for rings. it didn’t stop me from trying.

without flash
with flash

I mean look at the state of this sad, sad, ring.

Here it is after I cleaned it with the wand and in the tub:

without flash
with flash

It may look subtle to you, but I saw a big difference. I definitely will be continuing to clean this to see if I can make more of a dent, but this is the clearest it has been in years!

I continued to go through my jewelry box and clean a bunch of my rings (I actually need to order another wand now!), and the sparkle is undeniable. If you were sitting on this purchase, I can assure you, it really does a better job than all the other brands out there. Remember, not every stone can go in an ultrasonic cleaner, so you need to be able to have alternate methods that are reliable. Make sure you do not leave your jewelry in the tub for more than a minute, and RINSE THOROUGHLY!

If you tried this cleaner, I would love to know your experiences with it!


  1. Don’t know if anyone is still reading or following this site, but I love, love, love the Gemoro Sparkle Wands. I found a bunch of old jewelry that I was planning to toss or give as gifts to young nieces (who wouldn’t really care about noble metals or base metals). The jewelry cleaned up so well that it is ALL now back in my storage boxes. (Yes, boxes…I have multiple!)

    And the really cool thing with the wands is that once empty, I don’t toss them. I store them with my various polishing products so that I can dip into them with the brush anytime.

    (BTW, the J channel has increased its prices for these wands, so check/Google for them if you want to buy any.)


  2. I am always afraid to use any cleaner –I bought one on QVC that was supposed to be used by collectors like museum people or something–it used the cleaner in water over an aluminium plate and it cleaned things like magic–I think it involved static or something –so long ago -but it REALLY cleaned silver like a wonderful magic potion–I bet someone here has it if they were QVC people too. I couldn’t find it again. It is toxic so I always get really OCD when I use it and rinse everything it touches including the sink and anything else that I might have spilled or splashed on. I really don’t like those ultra sonic ones–if they work they do a beautiful job but it seems to loosen stones–especially from ShopLC pieces that loose them just when you take them out of the box sometimes. I have PTSD!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I actually got that cleaner just recently. I LOVE it. I do have a sonic cleaner but mostly use it for sunglasses and eyeglasses. I have used it for chains and stuff. I plan on getting more of the wands, I know JTV sells them in sets of two.
    Thanks for the post!

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Wow- just WOW
    thank you for this post, I’m always leery too of cleaning products. I’ve seen this on SLC but honestly didnt believe presentation….so now I know !
    And your jewelry is GORGEOUS 💎

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks @gypsy !!! I wish I did a before pic of the goshenite. It was the biggest change out of the jewelry I cleaned. The pictures don’t capture the sparkle and facets that well. Next time I will do a video. If you like this idea, I will do a video with cleaning the other gems this claims it is safe enough to use on like pearls, moonstones, and other porous gems.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Interesting … I went to that shopping channel we have all bought from and they do not have the product listed … not at all. So I just googled Gemoro and found a listing on Amazon. Guess who the seller is?!! Yep, that same shopping channel. Go figure.

    BTW, @gemaholic777, that is one gorgeous apatite ring!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks! I seriously was about to throw it out because I was so annoyed with the cloudiness! The picture didn’t capture it, but it definitely improved! Maybe I will take a pic of it outside to see if it shows more.

      Liked by 2 people

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